First let discuss what a link (hyperlink) is? A link is what connects web pages to other web pages. This brings us to what a backlink is and how to get them.
In this image, Site A was seen linking to Site B
Backlinks (also called "incoming links") are ahref links pointing from a website to your website or another website. If website A link to website B, it is called a backlink. It is known to be Off-Site Seo practice.
What does backlinks do?
Backlinks are the back backbones or pillar of a website. It is said to be a vote from other website. Google and other search engines still consider backlinks as one of the most important ranking factor. Due to the use of search engines by users, Backlinks is very important in order for your page to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs).
Increase organic search ranking
Backlinks increases your orgainc search ranking, it gives both page rank and authority to a website.
Authority and Rank
Page Authority and Page Rank does not just happen it happens when a authoritative website links to another website in return passing link juice and giving you a chance to rank higher in search engines.
Link juice
This is the amount of SEO value one backlink gives to the website it links to.
Traffic referral and discovering
Backlinks gives your site a faster chance to get noticed. Let say this "Is a link" on this website but links to external website, when readers click it and it takes them to the website, assuming its a new website, then the website just got discovered by a new reader in other words giving the website increase in traffic. Thanks to me.
Fast Indexing
Backlinks helps in making search bots discover your page quickly and pick it for index. A backlink can be follow or nofollow.
What are dofollow backlinks?
This are links that are marked as rel="follow" example <a href=""></a> These domain is marked as dofollow by default, the rel="follow" tells search robots to follow this domain or url (if you get this from a website like CNN or Forbes count yourself a lucky person cause it is rear). It is very important to website and search engines in general. It adds you the value you want and also gives your website a huge boost in search engine unlike nofollow.
What are nofollow backlinks?
They are links that are marked as rel="follow", example <a href="" rel="nofollow">Website</a>. The nofollow tag tells search engine bots not to pick or follow the link or domain. It does not add a value to a website like a rel="follow" does. You should know, there is no way a website can survive not having nofollow links, the chance is 0/100. Further more nofollow link not totally useless, although it gives you little or no value but having it can also help your blog.
Backlinks do not just happen, you work for it, it doesn't have to do with you going places to get links, there are many ways you can get or build links to your website. They include;
How to building backlinks
Getting valid and authoritative backlinks this days is possible but not that easy, to get it you'll have to be:
Guest Posting
This is a state where by you publish content as a guest on other blogs similar to your niche and linking to your website as the content owner or publisher.
Be original, don't do copy and paste. This is the most common case of new bloggers, they have no time. All they do is to copy and paste. In the end you get no one linking to you because you're not original enough.
Be the Source (for Others)
This is similar to Originality, but it is a case where by you are the first to break a news.
Let your content be valid, it gives readers the ability to endorse you as a publisher.
This involve asking your fellow niche blogger to link to your relevant content. It is not a process by which you exchange links.
Forum links are so so easy to acquire, you can take that advantage example of a great forum to make use of is warriorforum, this website is a high authoritative website.
Web Directories
Submit your webiste to directories. It is so easy and simple.
Earn it
You earn backlinks by posting great and original content.
Use infographics to earn more shares and in return your website goes wide and you may be lucky to see the right people to link to your awesome information.
Go Social
Social media is now a huge place to advertise your work, it shows your site to different kinds of people around the world. Social media links can be a nofollow, but they are very important. Example of social media to use are Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and more. Register and place your link in the bio.
Interviews makes you original, it drives so many readers to your blog. Readers find information about people. Publishers can use your site as a reference when quoting or describing someone you have already interviewed. It helps you have the relevant backlinks you needed once you're are discovered.
This days, comments are the easiest way to acquire a backlink, its not that all bad if you do it the right way and make use of authoritative comment luv (dofollow) blogs.
How do I check my backlinks?
There are so many ways of checking your website backlinks, but let me quickly show you how to check it using google search console tools. This procedure is so simple, common and straight forward. For those that have already added their website to google search, you will be able to check it.
How to check website backlinks using google webmaster tools (Google Search Console) Step 1
2. Click the sidebar menu
How to check website backlinks using google webmaster tools (Google Search Console) Step 2
3. Select your the website you wish to check
How to check website backlinks using google webmaster tools (Google Search Console) Step 3
4. Select Links
How to check website backlinks using google webmaster tools (Google Search Console) Step 4
5. Select more in the top linking sites
How to check website backlinks using google webmaster tools (Google Search Console) Step 5
Here is the final view, strow down to see linking sites and total links counted.
How to check website backlinks using google webmaster tools (Google Search Console) The final view
Notice: that it takes days or weeks for google to index and count new links. You might have already generated 1000 links, but in this console it may show you 800.
Links building techniques to avoid
Sidebar, Footer Backlinks: not all bad and not all good
Automated Backlinks: so so bad google frowned on links like this
Spammy comments: spam comments are bad either, see what Matt Cutts has to say about spam comments in the video below.
How to Optimize and rank in Google Image Search Ranking image can bring you as more traffic as the content rank itself brings you. So how do you rank your images in google, bing, yandex, baidu and other search engines?. In this topic you find it all. How to Optimize and rank in Google Image Search Ranking in google images will be the sweetest thing that will happen to your blog, it gives you the engagement and visitors you need. Before you upload any image file to your blog there is one important thing you should consider doing first, and that is to name the file you will be uploading. The Image name Image name How to perfectly name your image Let say you already find the image you need to upload on a page title of "how to optimize and rank for image search". Before uploading, First make sure you do not use default iamege names like Screenshot-012019.jpg, or Image.jpg (or something like " how to optimize and rank for image search ") in the file...
Blogger (Blogspot) Conditional Tags Conditional Tags are a boolean data type (a data type that has two possible values). It allows you to tell the code to act differently in specific situations. [1] [2] How do I add the coñditional tags Visit Visit Select your website Select your website Click on Theme Click on Theme Click on Edit HTML Click on Edit HTML Paste Your Code Right after the <head> tag, paste the tags. Paste your code like this. After pasting the code will look something like this. How your code will look like Save Theme Click on save to see effect of the tags you just added. Then proceed to click on "Save Theme" The Tags <!-- SEO Title Tag --> <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'><title><data:blog.title/> - Find and Read Information</title></b:if> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item&...
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